Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Golden BRX is dedicated to safeguarding the privacy and accuracy of the information you provide on our site. We have implemented measures to ensure that your credentials are not misused, accidentally destroyed, or lost within our environment. However, while we strive to maintain the highest standards of accuracy, Golden BRX will not be liable for any losses incurred by anyone relying on the information provided on our website.

What This Privacy Policy Covers
This Privacy Policy outlines how we handle personally identifiable information (PII) collected through our website and any apps operated by Golden BRX. It also explains the treatment of any personal information you share with us.

This Privacy Policy does not apply to organizations not owned or controlled by Golden BRX, individuals not employed or managed by us, or information required to be shared with public or private authorities due to applicable laws, court orders, or directives.

Information Collection and Use
We collect personal information to enhance and improve our site. By using our website, you consent to the collection and use of information as described in this Privacy Policy.

We collect personally identifiable information when you submit an inquiry form on our website or through interactions with our apps. This may include your name, email address, and phone number, as well as any comments you provide. Once submitted, your information is stored in our database and is not shared with third parties.

We use your information to respond to your queries, provide you with relevant information about our products and services, and for future reference.

Like many website operators, we also collect log data sent by your browser when you visit our site. This data may include details such as your IP address, browser type, browser version, the pages you visit, the date and time of your visit, and other statistical information.

We may collect technical details such as device information, location, and network carrier when using our mobile app.

The information we collect includes:

Personal Information: Your name, gender, age, images, contact/postal address, telephone number, email address, nationality, and other content you provide.

Interactions: Records of interactions and correspondence between us, including communications with our team members and social media mentions.

Survey Responses: Information from customer surveys conducted by us or on our behalf.

Usage Details: Information about your visits to our website, use of social media platforms, mobile apps, and other tracking technologies.

Online Identifiers: Mobile device advertising identifiers and geo-location data when using Golden BRX mobile applications. Geo-location data is used to provide location-specific services during registration.

Information Sharing and Disclosure We do not sell, rent, or share personally identifiable information except in the following circumstances:

With Your Consent: We may share information if we have obtained your consent to do so.

Legal Requirements: We may disclose information if required by law or to respond to legal processes, including court orders and legal summonses. We may also disclose information to law enforcement or other third parties to enforce our terms, address claims related to content violations, or protect the rights, property, or safety of our users or the public.

Violation of Terms: If we determine that your actions on our site violate our Terms of Service, we may disclose your information as necessary. The content and design of our website are the exclusive property of Golden BRX. Reproduction or use of any images, logos, or content without prior written consent from Golden BRX is prohibited. Unauthorized use of our content for personal, commercial, or non-commercial purposes is not allowed.

Changes to This Privacy Policy We may update this Privacy Policy from time to time. Any changes will be communicated through this page. Please review this page periodically to stay informed about our privacy practices.
